School of Languages, Literacies & Translation  |  Main Campus

Alla Baksh bin Mohamed Ayub Khan, Dr.


BA Dr Abbas 2022

Alla Baksh bin Mohamed Ayub Khan, Dr.

Phone : 04-653 3991     
email : 
Scopus ID: 57208123855
ORCID: 0000-0003-4435-4583
WoS Researcher ID: T-8585-2019


Dr. Alla Baksh Mohd Ayub Khan is a senior lecturer at the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). He had served as an English language teacher (2008 - 2019) before taking up the position as a senior lecturer. His specialized research areas include course design in English for Specific Purposes (ESP), formative and summative assessment, school-based Assessment, learning-oriented assessment, test impact/washback effects, and assessment literacy. He has recently been appointed as the Vice-President of the Malaysian Association for Language Testing (MALT). 



2019: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (English Language Studies - Language Assessment), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

2010: Master of Arts (Linguistics & English Language Studies), Universiti Sains Malaysia.

2007: Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English Language & Literature Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia.



International Language Testing Association - ILTA (Regular member)

Association for Language Testing and Assessment of Australia
and New Zealand - ALTAANZ (Regular Member)

Asian Association for Language Assessment - AALA (Regular member)

Malaysian Association for Language Testing - MALT (Lifetime member)

Malaysian Psychometric Association - MPA (Regular member)



International Journal of Language, Literacy, and Translation (IJOLLT), Reviewer (2019 - present)

International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research, Reviewer (2021 - present)

Language Assessment Quarterly (LAQ), Reviewer (2019 - present)

Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH), Pertanika, Reviewer - (2021 - Present)

Sage Open - (2022 - Present)

Hayatian Journal - (2021 - Present)



External Panel for E-KomPeG (Teacher Assessment Competency Improvement Program) at the Malaysian Examinations Syndicate (MES) - 2021

Vice-president - Malaysian Association for Language Testing (MALT) effective January 2022.



RPTKA - USM (2013) - PhD scholarship. 

Bronze medal (2017) - Young international innovation exhibition 2017 (Ready to teach 2.0). 



Dana Kecemerlangan UiTM (2011 - 2012; RM5,000): Analysing the needs of the English language among students of Engineering (Co-Investigator - completed). 

Academic Research Grant under TNCAA's Special Project (2021 - 2022; RM 10,000): The Backwash Effect of Online Assessment on students of Universiti Sains Malaysia (Principal Investigator - in progress)

Short-term Grant (2023 – 2024; RM 31, 700): Studying the Washback Effects of the School Assessment Component on Teachers at the Lower-Secondary Level in Malaysia (Principal Investigator: In-Progress)



Alla Khan, Norhaslinda Hassan & Liying Cheng (in press). Investigating the Factors Mediating the Washback Effects of a Learning-oriented English Language Assessment in Malaysia. Language Testing in Asia.

Dai Wenqi, Alla Khan, & Ilangko Subramaniam (in press). A Study of Chinese as a Foreign Language Students’ Intercultural Communicative Competence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Language Matters.

Liu Yuan, Alla Khan, & Salasiah Che Lah (in press). The Impact of the IELTS Speaking Test on Teaching Methods and Test Preparation Strategies in China. International Journal of Language, Literacy & Translation (IJOLLT)

Alla Khan & Norhaslinda Hassan (2024). Washback into an Ecosystem of Teaching, Learning, and Testing within Asia and Beyond: An Interview with Liying Cheng. Language Assessment Quarterly (LAQ), 21, 100–112.

Alla Khan., Anne Rowena David., Aizat Hisham Ahmad., Azril Ali., & Salasiah Che Lah. (2023). Initial insights into CEFR adoption at a language faculty of a public university in Malaysia. PASAA, 67, 330–360.

Xia Kun Peng, Alla Khan & Malini Ganapathy (2023). The Educational Unsustainable Development in China's Undeveloped Areas: A Micro Perspective of the Current State of EFL Writing Pedagogies in a Normal College in China. International Journal of Language, Literacy & Translation (IJOLLT)

Fang Yihan, Alla Khan & Malini Ganapathy (2023). A Study on Communicative Language Teaching Approach by English Teachers at Primary Level in Rural China. International Journal of Language, Literacy & Translation (IJOLLT)

Alla Khan, Norhaslinda Hassan & Azril Ali (2023). Implementing Formative Assessment in Malaysia: Teachers’ Viewpoints. Language Testing in Focus: An International Journal (7), 28-41. 

Hu, X., Subramaniam, I., & Alla Khan (2022). Analysis of Genre Theory Based on Functional Linguistics of Halliday System. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics(1), 232-240.

Idham, S. Y., Subramaniam, I., Alla Khan & Mugair, S. K. (2022). The Effect of Role-Playing Techniques on the Speaking Skills of Students at University. Theory and Practice in Language Studies12(8), 1622-1629.

Alla Baksh, MAK., Aziz, M. S. A., & Stapa, S. H. (2019). Examining the Factors Mediating the Intended Washback of the English Language school-based Assessment: Pre-service ESL Teachers’ Accounts. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities27(1), 51-68.

Alla Baksh, MAK., Mohd Sallehhudin, A. A., Tayeb, Y. A., & Norhaslinda, H. (2016). Washback Effect of School-based English Language Assessment: A Case-Study on Students' Perceptions. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities24(3).

Tayeb, Y. A., Aziz, M. S. A., Ismail, K., & Alla Baksh, MAK. (2014). The washback effect of the general secondary English examination (GSEE) on teaching and learning. GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies14(3).

Kaur, S., & Alla Baksh, MAK. (2010). Language needs analysis of art and design students: Considerations for ESP course design. ESP World9(2), 1-16.



Alla Khan., & Hassan, N. (2021). Implementing learning-oriented assessment in Malaysia. Learning-Oriented Language Assessment, 140-161.



Norhaslinda, H., Maizatul Akmal, M., & Alla Baksh, MAK. (2013). Analysing the needs of English language among students of Engineering. Paper presented in UPALS-ICL. ISBN: 978-967-11647-1-6. pp. 640-646. 



Alla Baksh (2020, May 18). Changing assessment mechanisms in a public university in Malaysia: Covid-19 experiences. ILTA Newsletter, Volume 2 (Issue 1), page 5.

Alla Baksh & Ahmad Farhan. (2020, Dec 16). The transition from a conventional to online assessment: A Malaysian Experience. ILTA Newsletter, volume 3 (issue 2), page 3.




Alla Baksh, MAK. & Kee Man, Chuah. (2024, February 27). Central depository can help disseminate knowledge. The Star. Retrieved from

Alla Baksh, MAK. & Kee Man, Chuah. (2023, August 8). Integrating Technology with Pedagogy. The Star. Retrieved from

Alla Baksh, MAK. (2021, June 2). Cultivating a culture for learning. The Star. Retrieved from

Alla Baksh, MAK. (2020, July 1). Making the best of online lessons. New Straits Times. Retrieved from

Alla Baksh, MAK. (2018, June 14). Lighter bags for better backs. The Star. Retrieved from

Mohd Sallehhudin, A. A., Alla Baksh, MAK (2017, July 8). Ways to boost English proficiency.  New Straits Times.  Retrieved from:

Mohd Sallehhudin, A. A., Alla Baksh, MAK (2016, Dec 19). Regulate publishing of books materials. The Star. Retrieved from:

Mohd Sallehhudin, A. A., Alla Baksh, MAK (2016, March 5). UPSR change: Ideas on weighting, timeline. New Straits Times. Retrieved from:

Alla Baksh, MAK., Mohd Sallehhudin, A. A.  (2015, Jan 8). Focus on learning, not the exams. The Star. Retrieved from:



Moderator for 'Assessment and the New Normal' on 19 June 2020 -

Invited speaker at CDAE for a sharing session entitled Demystifying the misconceptions about the formative summative dichotomy on 12 March 2021 -





School of Languages, Literacies & Translation
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 Minden, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Tel: (60) 04-6533145/3158/3751/4141  |  Fax: +604-6569122 |
Email:  |  

  • Last Modified: Monday 24 March 2025.


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