School of Languages, Literacies & Translation  |  Main Campus

Omer Hassan Ali Mahfoodh, Dr.

Dr. Omer Omer Hassan Ali Mahfoodh, Dr.                  
Phone : 04-653 3752    
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I am a Senior Lecturer at the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, Universiti Sains Malaysia. I received my PhD in English Language Studies (Second Language Writing) from Universiti Sains Malaysia in August 2011. I received my M.Ed in English Language Studies and Linguistics in November 2001 and B.A in English Language Studies and Education in June 1998 from Hodeidah University, Yemen. My major research interests include Second Language Writing, EAP, Discourse Studies, and Language Education. I am in the editorial boards of various international journals such as Cogent Education (Taylor & Francis), Sage Open (Sage Publications), and English Language Teaching Journal (Canadian Center of Science and Education.



Ph.D in English Language Studies(Second Language Writing), August (2011), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

M.Ed in English Language Studies and Linguistics, 84.18 % (Very Good), November (2001), Hodeidah University, Yemen

B.A in English and English Language Teaching), 85.80 % (Very Good), June 1998, Hodeidah University, Yemen


  1. Senior Lecturer (Full Time); 07/05/2018 – Present; School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  2. Senior Lecturer (Full Time); 14/11/2011 – 13/02/2016; School of Languages, Literacies and Translation; Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  3. Lecturer (Full Time); 01/10/2003 – 30/11/2005; Department of English, Hodeidah University, Yemen
  4. Lecturer (Part Time); 01/10/2001 - 30/09/2003; Department of English, Hodeidah University, Yemen
  5. Lecturer (Part Time); 01/10/2003 – 30/06/2004; Centre of Society Development and Continuing Education, Hodeidah University, Hodeidah, Yemen
  6. Lecturer (Part Time); 01/10/2003 – 30/06/2005; Department of English Language, Faculty of Arts, Yemenia University, Hodeidah, Yemen.
  7. English Language Instructor (Full Time); 01/12/1999 - 30/09/2003; Al-Horriyah Secondary School, Bajil, Hodeidah, Yemen

Academic honours/awards

  1. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Sanggar Sanjung (Hall of Fame) – 2017 Award for publication in Assessing Writing Journal, Elsevier. 28th October 2017.
  2. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Sanggar Sanjung (Hall of Fame) – 2015 Award for publication in Studies in Higher Education 16th November 2015
  3. Universiti Sains Malaysia. Sanggar Sanjung (Hall of Fame) – Best PhD Research in 2010. 10th December 2010.
  4. Honoured by the President of Yemen for the achievement of the 1st rank in the M.Ed program at Hodeidah University, Yemen. 28th December 2003.


Major research interests

  1. Second Language Writing
  2. English for Academic Purposes
  3. Genre Analysis
  4. Discourse Studies
  5. Language Education

Minor research interests

  1. Reading
  2. Critical Discourse Analysis
  3. Higher Education


A. Publications in journals

  1. Alhabahba, M. M., Rabadi, R. I., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2017). Reading Literacy and Learning Strategies in First Language Learning: A Multilevel Approach. International Journal of English Linguistics, 7(4), 236.
  2. Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2017). “I feel disappointed”: EFL university students’ emotional responses towards teacher written feedback. Assessing Writing, 31, 53-72.
  3. Husain, F. M., Al-Shaibani, G. K. S., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2017). Perceptions of and Attitudes toward Plagiarism and Factors Contributing to Plagiarism: a Review of Studies. Journal of Academic Ethics, 15(2), 167-195.
  1. Al-Shaibani, G. K. S., Mahfoodh, O. H. A., & Husain, F. M. (2016). A Qualitative Investigation into the Understanding of Plagiarism in a Malaysian Research University. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 3(7), 337-352.
  2. Alhabahba, M. M., Pandian, A., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2016). The effect of integrated instructions on reading comprehension, motivation, and cognitive variables. Issues in Educational Research, 26(3), 387-406.
  3. Alghail, A. A. A., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2016). Academic reading difficulties encountered by international graduate students in a Malaysian university. Issues in Educational Research, 26(3), 369-386.
  4. Alhabahba, M. M., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2016). The Use of the Internet for English Language Teachers’ Professional Development in Arab Countries. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(4), 1-19.
  5. Alhabahba, M. M., Pandian, A., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2016). English language education in Jordan: Some recent trends and challenges. Cogent Education, 3(1), 1-14.
  1. Pandian, A., Baboo, S. B., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2016). Influence of multiculturalism on the study programs in Malaysian public universities: international students' perceptions. Studies in Higher Education, 41(7), 1133-1152. (Impact factor 1.28)
  2. Alghail, A. A. A., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2015). Cognitive adjustment of international students in a Malaysian public university. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 3(12): 130-138.
  3. Alhabahba, M. M., Mahfoodh, O. H. A., Pandian, A., Mohammad, Y. M., Ahmed, E. W., Albdour, A., & Al Bazar, H. (2014). Check this word out! Exploring the factors that affect students’ vocabulary learning using smartphones via Partial Least Squares.Education Research International.
  4. Mahfoodh, H. A. (2014). Oral academic discourse socialisation: Challenges faced by international undergraduate students in a Malaysian public university. International Education Studies, 7(2): 10-17. (Scopus-indexed journal)
  5. Jaganathan, P., Mahfoodh, O. H. A., Ling, L. P., & Har, G. P. (2013). Measuring language effects of bilingual advertisements on the language preference among Chinese students in a university. New Media and Mass Communication, 19, 45-61.
  6. Nejad, A. M., Shamsaddini, M. R., Pandian, A., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A., (2013). The representation of a presidential speech: A critical discourse analysis. The Iranian EFL Journal, 9(2): 167-179.
  7. Pandian, A., Baboo, S. B., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2013). Perception of international students on multiculturalism in Malaysian universities. Labyrinth: An International Refereed Journal of Postmodern Studies, 4(2):194-207.
  8. Mahfoodh, O.H.A, & Pandian, A. (2011). A qualitative case study of EFL students’ affective reactions to and perceptions of their teachers’ written feedback.  English Language Teaching, 4(3): 14-27.

B. Book chapters/ Proceeding papers/others

  1. Alhabahba, M. M., Mahfoodh, O. H. A., Pandian, A. (2015) Written by kids for kids. What can online reading stories inform us? A Text Mining Approach (pp. 189-197). In Mahadi, T. S. (Editor) 6th International Language Learning Conference 2015: Embracing Cultural Diversity through Language Learning. School of Languages, Literacies & Translation, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  2. Mahfoodh, O.H.A, & Pandian, A. (2011). A proposed theoretical framework for studying teacher written feedback in EFL Writing contexts (pp. 114-126). In A. Pandian, S. A. M. Ismail, and T. C. Hiang (Eds.) Teaching and learning in diverse contexts: Issues and approaches. Pulau Pinang, Malaysia: USM press.
  3. Mahfoodh, O.H.A & Pandian, A. (2011). Teacher written feedback in second language writing: A case study of EFL teachers’ roles and the illocutionary acts of their written feedback. In M. Shuib, et al. (ed.), Issues on skills and competencies in education (pp. 95-112). Pulau Pinang, Malaysia: USM press.
  4. Pandian, A., & Mahfoodh, O.H.A (2007). Investigating the EFL learners’ reactions to teacher written comments. In A. Pandian, K. Y. Lie & P. Kell (Eds.), Innovation and intervention in ELT: Pathways & practices (pp. 269-287). Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia.
  5. Mahfoodh, O. A. H. (2007). Reading for EFL College Students. Retrieved 17 February 2007 from http:///



School of Languages, Literacies & Translation
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 Minden, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Tel: (60) 04-6533145/3158/3751/4141  |  Fax: +604-6569122 |
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  • Last Modified: Monday 24 March 2025.


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