School of Languages, Literacies & Translation  |  Main Campus

Paramaswari a/p Jaganathan, Assoc.Prof. Dr.


BA Dr Paramaswari

Paramaswari a/p Jaganathan, Assoc. Prof. Dr.                 

Phone : 04-653 3405    
email : 

ORCID ID : 0000-0001-9756-8206
SCOPUS iD : 56045990400



Paramaswari Jaganathan (Ph.D) is a senior lecturer in the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, USM. She has a Certificate of Education (TESL), B.A.(Hons.) in Translation and Interpretation, M.A.(Comm.) and Ph.D from USM. She has over 21 years of teaching experience in  schools before joining USM in 2012. Her area of specialisation includes teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Media Discourse and Translation and Interpreting studies. She has experience teaching at both B.A. and M.A. levels. Her area of interest lies in interdisciplinary research that involves applied linguistics and pragmatics. Dr.Paramaswari has also involved actively in HIV-AIDS NGO and MELTA. She has carried out numerous women’s programmes and educational activities.



  • A Study on Measuring and Evaluating the Social Impact of PNB's Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR) Initiatives.(ARI-HICoE Research Team) (2019-2020) - RM 166,950.
  • A Web-based Analysis on Malaysia as a "Fertility Hub of Asia"Discourse for International Patients in the Healthcare Institution in Malaysia. USM Bridging Incentive Grant, (2019) - RM 10,000.
  • Reputational Risk Management through Web Disclosures: A Case study of Tabung Haji.ARI-HICoE-UiTM, (2019) - RM 25, 000.
  • Unlocking the Structure and Linguistic Signals for Quality Disclosure in NPO Annual Reports. ARI-HICoE-UiTM, (2018) - RM 10, 000.
  • An investigation into the teacher’s knowledge of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and strategies of integrating HOTS in the English Language Teaching. USM, Short-Term Grant. Paramaswari Jaganathan, Ilangko Subramaniam. (2015-2017) - RM 28,594.20. 
  • Penerapan Kemahiran Insaniah – Sejauhmanakah Pelaksanaan dan Pencapaiannya di Peringkat Sekolah Menengah. Geran Jangka Pendek USM: Ilangko Subramaniam , Paramaswari Jaganathan (2014-2016) - RM 25,000.
  • Enhancement Of Writing Quality Through Reading For Undergraduate Students (Content Development, Lexical Variety And Grammatical  Accuracy. USM-  RUI Grant. Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi, Sarjit Kaur Gurdial Singh, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Fauzilah Md.Hussain, Akmar Mohamad, Arbaeyah Hassan, Sharifah Nur Hamizah Syed Fezal (2014-2016) – RM 144,000.
  • Exploring the Influence of a Reader in Developing an Intercultural Framework among Malaysian Secondary School Students. MOE- Fundamental Research  Grant (FRGS). Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Premalatha Karupiah, Ahmad Sofwan Nathan Abdullah (2014-  2016) – RM68,200.
  • An Analysis of English Language Degree Programme in Preparing Workforce Competence via a Transdisciplinary Educational Framework. Incentive Grant  (2013-2014). RM5,000.




Post-graduate courses – ( M.A. Translation for Professionals)
  • LCT 504/4         -   Translation Practice - Hospitality Texts
  • LCT 505 /4         -   Interpreting: Informal Discourse
  • LCT 508/4          -   Interpreting: Formal Discourse
  • LCT 510 /4         -   Translation Practice – Media and Communication Text
Undergraduate courses – B.A.English for Professionals)
  • LEM 215/4           -   Psychology of Language             
  • LEM 312/4            -   English for Public Relations and Marketing
  • LEM 313/4            -   English for Scientific, Technical and Web-based Writing
  • LEM 200/4            -   Industrial Training (1)
  • LEM 300/4            -   Industrial Training (2)
  • LSP 401/2             -  General English 



a) Graduated Postgraduate Students: 

  • 2014 – Hemahdevi Sovakandan                                            (MA – main supervisor) 
  • 2015 – Samah Yaslam Saleh                                                 (MA – main supervisor) 
  • 2015 – Abeer Hameed Monawer Albashtawi                      (PhD - main supervisor) 
  • 2015 – Norashikin Abdul Manan                                           (PhD - co-supervisor) 
  • 2016 - Debbita Tan Ai Lin                                                       (PhD - co-supervisor) 
  • 2017 - Ayman Musleh Al Shahaqin                                       (PhD - main supervisor) 
  • 2017 - Hosein Vafadar Samian                                             (PhD - co-supervisor) 
  • 2018 - Maryam Orang                                                            (PhD – main supervisor) 
  • 2021 - Sabariah Abdul Rahim.                                              (PhD – main supervisor) 
  • 2023 - Ali al Sahlanee                                                             (PhD – main supervisor) 
  • 2024 - Rema Ali Masaud Alkilani                                          (PhD – main supervisor) 
  • 2024 - Samah Yaslam Saleh al Baagbah                            (PhD – main supervisor) 
  • 2024 - Alnusairat Suhib Ahmad Saleh                                 (PhD - main supervisor) 
  • 2025 - Mohd Yahya Abdul Rahman Abu Risha.                 (PhD - main supervisor)

b) On-going Postgraduate Supervision: 

  •  2018 - Feda Abdallah Ahmad El Mughrabi                        (PhD - main supervisor) - awaiting viva-voce                                                                                                
  •  2019 - Beribeche Houssam Eddine                                    (PhD – co- supervisor)
  •  2020 - Al Jubori Hailan Mahmood Hussein                     (PhD – co- supervisor) 
  •  2021 - Wang Bin                                                                   (PhD - main supervisor)
  •   2021 - Deng Yuhua                                                              (PhD - main supervisor)
  •   2021 - Zhao Qi                                                                      (PhD - co-supervisor)
  •   2021 - Guo Xiaohan                                                             (PhD - co supervisor)
  •   2021 - Alquassi Ola Khalaf Abdel Rahman                      (PhD - main supervisor)                        


Journal Publications

Predictability Effect of Arabic Stress Pattern in English Lexical Stress Production by Arab EFL Undergraduates.(2024). Samah Yaslam Baagbah & Paramaswari Jaganathan. Pertanika Journal of Social science & Humanities. Vol. 32 (2). pp 535-561.

Machine Translation in EFL Learning: Chinese Undergraduates’ Use, Perceptions, and Machine Translation Literacy. (2024). Deng Yuhua, Paramaswari Jaganathan & Li Yican. Journal of Electrical Systems. Vol.20 (7). pp 204-216.

Phrasal Syntactic Complexity Measures in Linguistics Research Articles Written by Iraqi and English L1 Writers. (2023). Ali Al Sahlanee & Paramaswari Jaganathan.3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature® The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies.Vol 29 (1). pp 154 - 168.

Word Length and Proficiency Level Effect on English Lexical Stress Production by Arab EFL Learners. (2023). Samah Yaslam Baagbah & Paramaswari Jaganathan. International Journal of Language, Literacies and Translation. Vol 6(2). pp 149-165.

Enhancing Equivalent Titillating Effect in the Rhetorical Features of Headline Translation. (2022). Paramaswari Jaganathan & Tasnim Meera Mohaideen. In Researching Language, Text and Technology in Translation. Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi & Thomas Chow Voon Foo (Eds.).Penerbit USM Press. pp 58-68.

Humour in Translation From English Into Arabic: Subtitles of the Comedy Sitcom Friends. (2022). Suhib A. Alnusairat & Paramaswari a/p Jaganathan. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 12, (7). pp. 1447-1456.

Lexical Complexity in The Writings of Iraqi, English L2, and English L1 Writers. (2022). Ali Alsahlanee & Paramaswari Jaganathan. Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE). Vol 18 (4). pp. 1105-1118.

Languaging, Corrective Feedback, and Writing Accuracy among Low Proficiency L2 Learners. (2022). Sabariah Abd Rahim & Paramaswari Jaganathan. Journal of Research and Innovation in Language. Vol. 4, (1). pp. 1-14.

An analysis of responses of Jordan courts to objections based on language interpreting issues.(2021). Mohammed Yahya Abu-Risha & Paramaswari Jaganathan.. Perspectives Journal of Translation and Interpreting, Vol 29 (4) . DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2020.1862261(online). 

Communicating Transparency and Good Governance through Effective Web-Disclosure Practices. (2021). Ramesh Nair, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Roshayani Arshad, Ruhaini Muda. . International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies. Vol 19(1),  pp 1-12. 

Investigating CFL Learners' Dependency on Pinyin in the Acquisition of Vocabulary Meaning.(2020). Pin Ling Lee and Paramaswari Jaganathan. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH). Vol. 28 (S2), pp 217-232.

Developing Narrative Writing Skills via a Reading Programme for Low English Language Proficiency Undergraduates.(2018). Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi, Fauzilah Md Husain, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Arbaeyah Hasan, Akmar Mohamad. . Gema Online Journal of Language Studies. Vol. 18 (2). pp. 1-16.

READ+ vs. READ: Investigating Extensive Reading and Vocabulary Knowledge Development Among Malaysian Remedial ESL Learner (2018). Debbita Tan, Ambigapathy Pandian, Paramaswari Jaganathan. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 15(2), pp. 349-364.

Exploring Malaysian Based Intercultural Knowledge and Behaviour among Secondary School Students through English Language Intercultural Reading Programme (ELIRP). (2017). Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh, Fatin Najwa Amelia Marsani, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Premalatha Karupiah & Ahmad Sofwan Nathan Abdullah. Journal of Humanities and Social Science (Pertanika). Vol.25, (3). pp. 1383-1400.

Facilitating Learner Autonomy: Reading and Effective Dictionary Use for Lexical Development. (2017). Debbita Tan, Ambigapathy Pandian & Paramaswari Jaganathan. The Reading Matrix. Vol 17, (2). pp. 40-51.

An Intercultural Reading Program (IRP) to Enhance Intercultural Knowledge among Secondary School Students. (2017). Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh, Fatin Najwa Amelia Marsani, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Premalatha Karupiah & Ahmad Sofwan Nathan Abdullah. English Language Teaching. Vol.10 (1).  pp. 26-38.
Investigating Extensive Reading and Vocabulary Knowledge Development Among Malaysian Remedial ESL Learners. (2017). Debbita Tan, Ambigapathy Pandian, Paramaswari Jaganathan. The Journal of Asia TEFL (Online) Vol. 15(1). 
An Investigation on the Effects of Writing Anxiety on Readiness of Writing among Low Proficiency Undergraduates.(2016) Sabariah Abd Rahim, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi. International Journal Language Education and Applied Linguistics (IJLEAL). Vol.5. . Pp 11-20.
A study on Intercultural knowledge among secondary school students. (2016). Fatin Najwa Amelia, Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Ahmad Sofwan Nathan Abdullah, Premalatha Karuppiah.  International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature. Vol. 5, (6). pp 18-25.
Promoting Intercultural understanding among school students through an English Language-based reading programme. (2016).
Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh, Fatin Najwa Amelia, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Ahmad Sofwan Nathan Abdullah, Premalatha Karuppiah. Advances in Language and Literary Studies. Vol. 7, (5). pp 128-136.
Encouraging ESL/EFL Reading Among Lower Proficiency Students at the Tertiary Level: The Use of Graded Readers. (2016). Debbita Tan Ai Lin, Ambigapathy Pandian, Paramaswari Jaganathan. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal. Vol. 16, (2). pp 20-37.
Incorporating higher order thinking skills in task-based learning for Malaysian undergraduates. (2016). Paramaswari Jaganathan, Ilangko Subraniam. International Journal of Contemporary Applied Sciences. Vol. 3 (2). (ISSN: 2308-1365). pp. 274-288
Linguistic knowledge aspects in academic reading: Challenges and deployed strategies by English major undergraduates at a Jordanian institution of higher education. (2016). Abeer H.Albashtawi, Paramaswari Jaganathan & Manjet Kaur. Higher Education Studies: Vol.6, No.3. ISSN: 1925-4741 E-ISSN 1925-475X
 Investigating the Challenges of Acquiring /ð/ and /v/ English sounds by Yemeni EFL Learner. (2016). Samah Yaslam Saleh Baagbah, Paramaswari Jaganathan & Akmar Mohamad. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR). Vol.2, No.7.  ISSN: 2454-1362. pp. 678-682.  http://www.onlinejournal.
Decoding semanticity of Chinese vocabulary via Google Translate use. (2015). Paramaswari Jaganathan, Lee Pin Ling. Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching (CPLT). Vol. 3 (2). pp. 1-16.
Reading for lexical development: depth of processing and the systematic selection of comprehensible input (2015). Debbita Tan Ai Lin, Ambigapathy Pandian, Paramaswari Jaganathan. International Journal of Education and Research. Vol. 3 (7).  pp.109 – 120.
Reliability assessment: the vocabulary size test and its use in a Malaysian context (2015). Debbita Tan Ai Lin, Ambigapathy Pandian, Paramaswari Jaganathan. In 6th ILLC 2015 – Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Learning Conference. pp. 33-42
Exploring the influence of intercultural reading programme (IRP) in developing intercultural reading framework among Malaysian secondary school students (2015). Fatin Najwa Amelia Marsani, Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Premalatha Karupiah, Ahmad Sofwan Nathan Abdullah.
In 6th ILLC 2015 – Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Learning Conference,  pp. 63-72.
Rhetorical syllogism in the English and the German language of automobile advertising. (2014). Paramaswari Jaganathan, Siti Waltraud Mayr, Florence Kannu Nagaratnam. Gema Online® Journal of Language Studies. Vol. 14 (1). pp. 151-169.
Language courses, transversal skills and transdisciplinary education: A case study in the Malaysian university. (2014).Paramaswari Jaganathan, Ambigapathy Pandian, Ilangko Subramaniam. International Journal of Education and Research. Vol. 2 (2). pp. 83-92
An analysis of Google Translate use in decoding contextual semanticity among EFL learners (2014). Paramaswari Jaganathan, Maryam Hamzah, Ilangko Subramaniam. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol.4 (8).  pp.1-13
The benefits of formula instruction in enhancing EAP learners’ academic writing performance. (2014). Norashikin Ab Manan, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Ambigapathy Pandian Journal of English Language and Literature. Vol. 2 (1).  pp. 141-153
The effects of using pedagogic corpus as target formulas for direct instruction in an academic writing class. (2014). Norashikin Ab Manan, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Ambigapathy Pandian. Journal of Studies in Social Sciences. Vol.8 (2). pp. 314-332.
Enhancing academic writing performance through direct instruction of the academic formulas. (2014). Norashikin Ab Manan, Paramaswari Jaganathan, Ambigapathy Pandian. International Journal of Research in Education Methodology. Vol.6 (2). pp. 850-861.
Measuring language effects of bilingual advertisements on the language preference among Chinese students in a university. (2013). Paramaswari Jaganathan, Omer Hassan Ali Mahfoodh, Lee Pin Ling, Gan Pek Har. New media and Mass Communication, Vol.19, pp. 45-61.
Living an unlived life due to fear of HIV/AIDS: reflections from Malaysia.. Paramaswari Jaganathan, Azlinda Azman. (2013). IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 13(6). pp. 27-33


Other Publications

1. E-book (2015)

Academic formula instruction framework. Operationalising formula instruction in an academic writing class.
Norashikin Ab Manan, Ambigapathy Pandian, Paramaswari Jaganathan
Scholars press - ISBN: 978-3-639-76764-3. Omniscriptum GMBH & Co. Germany

 2. Book (2013)

  • Proceedings of the 5th international language learning conference (2013).[Acknowledging multilingualism, multiculturalism and their different facets in language teaching and learning]. Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi, Thomas Chow Voon Foo, Paramaswari Jaganathan (eds.)
  • HIV/AIDS- Prevention, treatment and care : the way forward. (2010).Azlinda Azman, Ismail Baba, Jamalludin Sulaiman, J . Paramaswari (eds.). AIDS Action and Research Group, Universiti Sains Malaysia. ISBN 978-893-44685-4-5



 Professional / Service Awards

Language Research & Innovation Competition (LARIC 2023) - (Gold)

Language Research & Innovation Competition (LARIC 2023) - (Silver)

Language Research & Innovation Competition (LARIC 2023)- (Bronze)

Immersive Intelligent Learning in Education (ICILLE 2023) - (Bronze)

International Business Innovation & Idea Competition  (INOVASI 23) - (Bronze)

Excellent Service Award - 2020

Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition (IIDEX 2019) –  (Gold)

Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition (IIDEX 2018) -   (Silver)

Excellent Service Award - 2016

Excellent Service Award - 2008

Excellent Service Award - 1993



  • Director,  Research and Development Bureau -  (2020-2022)   -     Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)
  • Director,  Research and Development Bureau -  (2018-2020)    -     Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)
  • Research Associate (2019-2021)   -     UiTM ARI-HiCoE, Accounting Research Institute
  • Asia- TEFL  (professional membership)
  •  International Media Literacy Association 


Postgraduate Examination (2013-2019) 

2013 Impact of the Picture Word Inductive Model on the Vocabulary Acquisition [M.A.] English Language Education
2014 The Translation Problems of the English Neologism Coined by the Military and Politicians into Arabic. [PH.D] Translation & Interpretation
2014 An Interlanguae Pragmatic Study of Apology Speech Acts of Iraqi Kurdish EFL Learners. [PH.D] Applied Linguistics
2015 The effect of concept-oriented reading instruction on fifth grade Jordanian students'self-determination, metacognitive awareness and reading comprehension. [PH.D] English Language Education
2016 Power and Ideology in Barks' Translationof Rumi's Poetry [PH.D] Translation & Interpretation
2016 Analisis Kognitif Semiotik daripada Kartun Politik Kebangkitan Arab (Arab Springs) dengan teks minimum 2011-2013 dalam kalangan pelajar Arab di Malaysia. [PH.D] Translation & Interpretation
2017 Satu kajian yang meneliti kaitan diantara kebolehan dan amalan literasi dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan 4 di beberapa negeri terpilih di Malaysia. [PH.D] English Language Education
2017 Intergrasi Pemikiran Kritis di dalam kelas bacaan EFL Cina: Tanggapan Guru, Amalan dan Faktor Kontextual. [PH.D] Applied Linguistics
2017 Integrasi Peralatan Penterjemahan Bantuan Komputer (CAT) di dalam Kurikulum Latihan Penterjemahan di Oman - Kajian kes berbilang. [PH.D] Translation & Interpretation
2017 Strategy Kewacanaan dan Topos Berideologi dalam Wacana Hortatori Ayman Al-Zawahiri dan Bakr Al-Bagadad: Satu Pendekatan Multidisiplin. [PH.D] Translation & Interpretation
2018 Alih Kod antara Bahasa Thai dan Bahasa Inggeris dalam persekitaran akademik dalam konteks karnival varsiti tiga segi Indonesia-Malaysia-Thai. [PH.D] Translation & Interpretation
2018 Terjemahan terhadap istilah-istilah budaya agama dari bahasa Parsi ke dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan penerimaannya. [PH.D] Translation & Interpretation
2018 Kajian Autonomi Psikologi dan Sosiobudaya dalam Pembacaan EFL dalam Kalangan Mahasiswa di Arab Saudi Menerusi Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Berbantukan Telefon Pintar. [PH.D] English Language Education
2018 Kesan Kecerdasan Analitikal ke atas Ingatan Kerja Verbal Pelatih Jurubahasa. [PH.D] Translation & Interpretation
2018 Terjemahan Unsur Jenaka dalam Sarikata Animasi Berdasarkan Personifikasi dari Bahasa Inggeris ke Bahasa Parsi. [PH.D] Translation & Interpretation
2019 Pendekatan Teori-Releven dalam Analisis Fonestema dalam Novel Bahasa Inggeris dan Terjemahannya ke dalam Bahasa Parsi. [PH.D] Translation & Interpretation
2020 The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction on EFL Jordanian Undergraduates’ Academic Listening Anxiety, Metacognitive Awareness and Academic Listening Comprehension: a Case Study. [PH.D] English Language Education

The Discourse of Skin Colour on Social Media: A Case study  of Twitter

Translation & Interpretation

Member of Editorial Board                               

Editorial Board, ASEAN Journal of University Education (2021)

Editorial Board, International Journal of Language, Literacies and Translation (2021)

Editorial Board, International Journal of Language, Literacies and Translation (2020)

Editorial Board, International Journal of Language, Literacies and Translation (2019)

Editorial Board, International Journal of Language, Literacies and Translation (2018)

Editorial Board, Journal of Social Science and Humanities (JSSH-Pertanika) (2018)

English Editor, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal (2017)

Creative Practices of Language Teaching. UITM, Kedah. (2014)

Creative Practices of Language Teaching. UITM, Kedah. (2013)


Invited Speaker

2019 - Speaker - PPBLT Talk Series - Mapping the Literature for Review - Pinang Conference Hall, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

2018 –Plenary Speaker – CLT in ASEAN Classroom: Principles and Practices, INETCON International Conference – Baguio City, Phillipines.

2018 - Plenary Speaker - Korean Association of Teachers of English (KATE) International Conference, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea.

2021 - Featured Speaker - 14th.National TEFL/10th. Mongolia TESOL International Virtual Conference. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

2021 - Invited Speaker - Talk Series for Language Students - Islamic Azad Univesity, Iran. 


Consultancy / Other Recognitions

2020  -    Conference Chair - 10th. MELTA International Research Conference in English Language Education (ONLINE) 2020.

2019  -    Smart Partnership and Consultancy for Langkawi Education District Office and Melta (Penang Chapter)

2019  -    Conference Chair - 9th. MELTA International Research Conference in English Language Education 2019.

2018  -    Conference Chair - 8th. MELTA International Research Conference in English Language Education 2018.

2017   -   Consultancy for Review of British Council Publication (consultancy with monetary reward)

2016   -   Consultancy for Review of College Promotional Materials  (with appointment letter )

2016   -   Consultancy  for Review of College Course Material for MYQUEST pre-Accreditation (with appointment letter)

2011   -    Consultancy for Review of Project Report for AIDS Action Research Group (consultancy with appointment letter)




Professional Affliation


     Research and Development Bureau (2018-2020)

  The Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)

School of Languages, Literacies & Translation
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 Minden, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Tel: (60) 04-6533145/3158/3751/4141  |  Fax: +604-6569122 |
Email:  |  

  • Last Modified: Monday 24 March 2025.


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