Malini Ganapathy, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
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Malini Ganapathy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. ORCID ID : 0000-0002-1495-6340 SCOPUS ID: 55386123100 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Malini Ganapathy is a lecturer at the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. She has a Certificate of Education (TESL), B.A. (Hons.) in English Language and Literature Studies, M.A. and Ph.D in Applied Linguistics from Universiti Sains Malaysia. She has 18 years of teaching experience at secondary schools, prior to joining Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2014. Her research interests include English Language Teaching (ELT), Literacy (Multiliteracies, Multimodality, New Literacies) and Writing. She has published numerous research articles focusing on her area of research, both in international and local journals. 1. 23-02-2015 to 22-05-2015 An Evaluation of Stakeholders' Readiness Towards Making English a Compulsory Pass Subject. Top-Down Research Grant. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. RM 150,000. (Munir Shuib, Kamarul Kabilan, Sarjit Kaur & Malini Ganapathy). 2. 01-08-2013 to 31-07-2015 Intelligent mobile learning tool for grammar learning (I-MoL TOOL). Prototaip research Grant Scheme. Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. RM 150,000. ( Munir Shuib, Malini Ganapathy, Hj. Issham Bin Ismail, Amelia Binti Abdullah & Syed Zainal Ariff B. Syed Jamaluddin). 3. 01-03-2015 to 28-02-2017 Malaysian University Students' Attitudes and Perceptions of Plagiarism. Short-Term Research Grant. Universiti Sains Malaysia. RM 35,280.00. (Manjet Kaur & Malini Ganapathy). 4. 01-06-2015 to 28-06-2017 Analysing ESL Lecturers’ Teaching Practices and ESL Students’ Learning Practices with ICT Utilisation in Promoting Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Short-Term Research Grant. RM 22,193.08. Universiti Sains Malaysia. (Malini Ganapathy, Sarjit Kaur & Manjet Kaur). 5. 01-04-2017 to 31-03-2019 Types of Teacher Corrective Written Feedback on Students Writing in Malaysian Schools and Its Effectiveness. Short-Term Research Grant. RM 27,938.35. Universiti Sains Malaysia. (Malini Ganapathy & Debbita Tan Ai Lin). 6. 20-2-2018 to 20-04-2018 International Research Collaboration: Budapest Business School (University of Applied Sciences, Budapest, Hungary) and School of Languages, Literacies and Translation (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia) (2018): Towards the Reinforcement of Our Students’ Global Competencies (Agnes Ibolya Pal, Malini Ganapathy & Debbita Tan Ai Lin) 7.01-09-2018 to 31-08-2020 The Effects of Images on Malaysian Year 1 Pupils: Vocabulary Acquisition and Writing: A 21st Century Collaborative Setting. Short-Term Research Grant (1-09-2018 to 31-08-2020). RM 20, 898.00. Universiti Sains Malaysia. (Debbita Tan Ai Lin, Lee Bee Choo, Malini Ganapathy & Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma) 8. 15-08-2018 to 14-08-2019 Enhancing and Sustaining Best Practices in Thesis Supervisors' Written Feedback in Linguistically Demanding Graduate Programs. Bridging Grant. RM 10,000. Universiti Sains Malaysia. (Manjet Kaur A/p Mehar Singh, Malini Ganapathy, Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan Bin Abdullah, Tengku Sepora Binti Tengku Mahadi, Wan Chang Da) 9. 01-02-2019 to 31-01-2021 Facebook Writing Activity for English Language Learning: The Impact Towards Students of Different Disciplines. Short-Term Research Grant. RM 21,000.00. Universiti Sains Malaysia (Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma, Debbita Tan Ai Lin, Malini Ganapathy & Mohamad Saifudin bin Mohamad Saleh) 10. 01/09/2019 to 31/08/2021 The Effects of a Genre Pedagogical Framework to Overcome EFL Writing Challenges of Low Proficiency Orang Asli Students in West Malaysia. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme. RM 60,000.00. Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malini Ganapathy, Salasiah binti Che Lah, Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh, Debbita Tan Ai Lin, Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma, Marlina binti Jamal & Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan) 11. 01/10/2019 to 30/09/2021 The Orang Asli in Malaysian Press: Emerging Trends. Short Term Grant. Rm 30,600. Universiti Sains Malaysia (Marlina binti Jamal & Malini Ganapathy) 12.17/05/2021 to 17/12/2021 Empowering Orang Asli Pre-School Teachers to Teach Reading English Language using CELM Model. Suruhanjaya Kebangsaan UNESCO Malaysia (SKUM).RM 11,484.00. (Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh, Malini Ganapathy & Debbita Tan Ai Lin) 13. 01/11/2020 to 31/10/2022 Examining the Relationship between Linguistic Structures and Depressive Symptoms using Discourse Analysis Method. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme. RM 65,000.00. Universiti Sains Malaysia (Salasia Che Lah, Marlina binti Jamal, Manjet Kaur, Malini Ganapathy, Debbita Tan Ai Lin & Bita Naghmeh Abbaspour) 14. 01/09/2020 to 29/02/2024 Penggunaan Manga Dalam KOMSAS: Kajian Terhadap Genre Prosa Tradisional. Research Universiti (RU-USM). RM 32,000. Universiti Sains Malaysia ( Saravanan A/L P. Veeramuthu & Malini Ganapathy) 15. 01/08/2023 to 31/01/2024 EMPOWERING ORANG ASLI PRESCHOOL TEACHERS TO TEACH ENGLISH VOCABULARY: THE PWIM+ APPROACH. SURUHANJAYA KEBANGSAAN UNESCO MALAYSIA. RM 5,900. (Debbita Tan Ai Lin, Lee Bee Choo, Malini Ganapathy & Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh) 16. 01/08/2024 to 31/07/2027 Developing a Process-Genre Pedagogical Framework to Engage Low Proficiency Orang Asli Semai Students in ESL Writing. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme. RM 130,000. (Malini Ganapathy, Manjet Kaur, Debbita Tan Ai Lin, Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma, Marlina Jamal & Omer Hassan) Journal Articles 1. Kaur, S. and Ganapathy, M. (2011). The Multiliteracies Approach: Enhancing Intercultural Dimensions in ESL Classrooms. Thoughts Journal: Chulalongkorn University, 14(11), 57-74. ISSN 1513-1025. 2. Kaur, S., Ganapathy, M and Kaur, G.K. Sidhu (2012). Designing learning elements using the multiliteracies approach in an ESL writing classroom. 3L: Language, Linguistics and Literature, the Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 18 (3), 119-134. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 3. Ganapathy, M. and Kaur, S. (2013). Engaging ESL Students in the Writing Classroom through the Multiliteracy Approach. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 21 (2), 547-568. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 4. Ganapathy, M. (2014). Using Multiliteracies to Engage Learners to Produce Learning. International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 4(6), 410-422. [ProQuest, EI, INSPEC, IET)] 5. Ganapathy, M. and Kaur, S. (2014). ESL Students’ Perceptions of the use of Higher Order Thinking Skills in English Language Writing. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 5(5), 80-87. [ERIC/DOAJ/CrossRef] 6. Ganapathy, M. Wei, V.C.P., Vighnarajah, Jong, C.V. (2015). Teachers’ Perceptions of Creating, Sharing and Using Open Education Resources (OERs) in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 5 (2), 62-72. [ProQuest, EI , INSPEC, IET)] 7. Fauzilah Md Hussain, Ganapathy, M. & Akmar Mohamad (2015). Analysing ESL Students' Perceptions towards Oral Communication for Social and Occupational Purposes. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 5(5), 80-87. [ERIC/DOAJ/CrossRef] 8. Ganapathy, M. Vighnarah, and Kaur, S. (2015). Using Beetham and Sharpe’s (2015) Model in Analysing the Digital Literacy Practices of ESL Students in An Institution of Higher Learning. Malaysian Journal of Languages and Linguistics, 4(1), 31-42. [Ulrichs/SciCI/TIRF] 9. Su, Y. L., Kaur, M., Ganapathy, M. and Fatin Najwa Amelia (2015). Learning Japanese Language In Institutions Of Higher Education In Malaysia: Is Facebook (Fb) As An Online Social Networking Site Helpful? Malaysian Journal of Languages and Linguistics, 4(2), 1-15. [Ulrichs/SciCI/TIRF] 10. Ganapathy, M. (2015). The Effect of Incorporating Multiliteracies Pedagogy in ESL Writing. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 8(06), 253–268. [ERIC/DOAJ/CrossRef] 11. Ganapathy, M. and Seetharam, S. (2016). The Effects of Using Multimodal Approaches in Meaning-Making of 21st Century Literacy Texts Among ESL Students in a Private School in Malaysia. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 7(2), 124-138. [ERIC/DOAJ/CrossRef] 12. Ganapathy, M., Shuib, M., Gunasegaran, T., and Azizan, S.N. (2016). ESL Lecturers’ Perceptions on Using i-MoL as a Mobile-based Tool for Teaching Grammar, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 24 (3), 1051 - 1067. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 13. Ganapathy, M. Shuib, and M., Azizan, S.N. (2016). Malaysian ESL students’ perceptions on the usability of a mobile application for grammar test: a case study of ESL undergraduates in Universiti Sains Malaysia. 3L: Language, Linguistics and Literature, the Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 2 (1), 127–140. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 14. Koo, W. C. & Ganapathy, M. (2016). Critical Discourse Analysis on Chinese Racial Pride Underlying the Malaysian National Identity in “Proud to be born a Chinese”. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 7(5), 162-174. [ERIC/DOAJ/CrossRef] 15. Jayabalam, A. & Ganapathy, M. (2016). The Effects of Educational Media on Children’s Language Development: A Case Study. Journal of English Language and Literature, 6(1), 433-443. [ERIC/DOAJ/CrossRef] 16. Khatatbeh Mohanad Adnan Mohammad, Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh and Ganapathy, M. (2016). Metacognitive Awareness in Academic Listening: A Case Study of Jordanian Postgraduate Students. Malaysian Journal of Languages and Linguistics, 5(1), 79-90. [Ulrichs/SciCI/TIRF] 17. Ganapathy, M. and Gooi Chiew Ying (2016). Attitude and Motivation of Students Towards Learning English as a Second Language in A Secondary School in Penang. Malaysian Journal of Languages and Linguistics, 5(2), 39-56. [Ulrichs/SciCI/TIRF] 18. Vethamaiccam, M. and Ganapathy, M. (2017). Analysing Errors among Form One Students’ Written English Composition in a Private Chinese School. Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning, 5(1), 1-10. [ERIC/DOAJ/CrossRef] 19. Ganapathy, M., Manjet Kaur, Kaur, S. and Liew Wai Kit (2017). Promoting Higher Order Thinking Skills via Teaching Practices. 3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 23(1), 75 – 85. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 20. Ganapathy, M., Manjet Kaur, and Kaur, S. (2017). Tertiary Students’ Learning Practices using Information and Communication Technology to Promote Higher-Order Thinking. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 25 (2), 877 – 890. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 21. Yee Chee Hong & Ganapathy, M. (2017). To Investigate ESL Students’ Instrumental and Integrative Motivation towards English Language Learning in a Chinese School in Penang: Case Study. English Language Teaching; 10 (9), 1-19. [Academic Journal Database/ERIC/ERA] 22. Tan, D.A.L., Lee, B.C., Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma, and Ganapathy, M. (corresponding author) (2017). Like That Lah: Malaysian Undergraduates' Attitudes Towards Localised English. GEMA Online: Journal of Language Studies, 18(2), 80-92. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 23. Lee, B.C., Tan, D.A.L., Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh, and Ganapathy, M. (corresponding author) (2017). The Significance of the Academic Word List among ESL Tertiary Students in a Malaysian Public University. 3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 23(4), 56-65. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 24. Tan, D.A.L., Malini Ganapathy (corresponding author), and Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh (2018). Kahoot! It: Gamification in Higher Education. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 26(1), 565-582. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 25. Tan, D.A.L., Lee, B.C., Adi Kasuma, S.A., and Ganapathy, M. (corresponding author) (2018). Like That Lah: Malaysian Undergraduates' Attitudes towards Localised English. GEMA Online: Journal of Language Studies, 18(2), 80-92. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 26. Munir Shuib, Siti Nor Baya and Ganapathy, M. (2018). Mobile Learning Readiness among English Language Learners in a Public University in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 26(3), 1491-1504. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 27. Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh and Ganapathy, M. (2018). Understanding Plagiarism from the Lens of First Year Tertiary Level Students. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 26(T), 159-177. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 28. Chasasith Sithsungnoen and Ganapathy, M. (2018). Promoting an Environment of Professional Learning Community among Thai Teachers. International Journal of Peace Studies, 6(3), 1252-1266. 29. June Chiang, Thomas Chow Voon Foo and Ganapathy, M. (2018). Graded Readers: The Importance of Using Stylistic Devices to Maximise Language Learners’ Aesthetic Reading. International Journal of Language, Literacy and Translation, 1(1), 1-8. 30. Kabilan, M.K., Ganapathy, M., (corresponding author) Bray, E., Gustine, G. and Mizna, Q. (2019). “Facebooking” Across Asia. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 27 (1), 35 - 49 [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 31. Tan, D. A. L., Lee, B. C., Ganapathy, M. (corresponding author) and Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma (2019). Language Learning in the 21st Century: Malaysian ESL Students’ Perceptions of Kahoot! International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, 9(2), 55-86. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 32. Liew Wai Kit and Ganapathy, M. (2019). The Reality of Malaysian ESL Teachers’ ICT Pedagogical Practices: Challenges and Suggestions. English Linguistics Research, 8(3), 39-48. [ERA] 33. Sankaran, L.K.V., Ganapathy, M. and Tan, D.A.L. (2019). EFL Teaching and Learning Practices in the Rohingya Classroom: A Case Study. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 8(2), 126-131. 34. Ganapathy, M., Kabilan, M.K. and Meenakshisundram, S.D. (2020). English Language Teachers’ Practices of Online Professional Development using Facebook. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 28(1), 251-266. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 35. Liew Wai Kit, Ganapathy, M. (corresponding author) and Tan, D.A.L. (2020). ESL Teachers’ HOT Pedagogical Practices via ICT: A Case Study. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 28(S2), 321-335. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 36. Tan, D.A.L., Lee, B.C., Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma, and Ganapathy, M. (2020). Picture Superiority Effect: Using Images for Vocabulary Enhancement Among Year One Malaysian ESL Learners. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 28(S2), 177-196. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 37. June Chiang, Ganapathy, M. and Tan, D.A.L. (2020). Language Learner Literature: Language Learners’ Aesthetic Response Towards Stylistic Device. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 28(S2), 139-156. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 38. Ganapathy, M., Tan, D.A.L., and Phan, J. (2020). Students' Perceptions of Teachers' Written Corrective Feedback in the Malaysian ESL Classroom. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 17(2), 103-136. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 39. Ganapathy, M., Tan, D.A.L., and Phan, J. (2020). Impact of Written Corrective Feedback on Malaysian ESL Secondary Students’ Writing Performance. 3L: Language, Linguistics and Literature, the Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 26(3), 139-153. [SCOPUS/WOS/ESCI] 40. Phan, J., and Ganapathy, M. (2020). The Effect of Genre Approach on Malaysian Orang Asli EFL Students’ Descriptive Writing. AJELP: Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 8(2), 39-54. 41. Jamal, M., & Ganapathy, M. (2021). Framing the Actors though Thematic Structures: The Case of the Malaysian Orang Asli. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 10(2), 249-258.41. 42. Beh, M. E., & Ganapathy, M. (2021). Exploring the Effectiveness of Thinking Skills Framework on Academic Writing in Higher Education. AJELP: Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 9(1), 1-15. 43. Khan, A. Y., Bita, N. A., & Ganapathy, M. (2021). Translation of Idioms From Urdu Into English: Lihaf-The Quilt As A Case Study. Rashhat-e-Qalam, 2(1), 1-14. 44. Beh, M. E., & Ganapathy, M. (2021). Using Frangenheim's Thinking Skills Framework to Improve Academic Writing Skills in Tertiary ESL Classrooms. The English Teacher, 50(1), 33-45. 45. Albelazi, N.A. & Ganapathy, M. (2021). The Effects of the Station Rotation Model in Promoting Libyan Students' EFL Writing: Blended Learning. AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 9(1), 111-127. 46. Khan, A. Y., Bita, N. A., & Ganapathy, M. (2021). Tampering of Gender Issues in the Translation of Umrao Jan Ada translated as The Courtesan of Lucknow. International Journal of Language, Literacy and Translation, 4(2), 30-47. 47. Alouch, M., Ganapathy, M., & Ai Lin, D. T. (2021). Using WhatsApp to Promote ESL Students’ Writing. The Asian Journal of English Language & Pedagogy, 9(2), 54-65 48. Halemeh Bani-Abdo, Ganapathy, M. (2021). The Effect of Speech Act of Promsing in Communication in Jouf University: A Case Study. Journal of Human Development and Communication, 10(1), 79-88. 49. Veeramuthu, S. & Ganapathy, M. (2022). AN INNOVATIVE TEACHING TOOL: MANGA FOR KOMSAS’ PROSE COMPREHENSION. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 11(1), 1-15. 50. Ganapathy, M., Kaur, M., Jamal, M., & Phan, J. (2022). The effect of a genre-based pedagogical approach on Orang Asli students’ EFL writing performance. Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction, 19(1), 85-113 51. Eman Adil Jaafar & Ganapathy, M. (2022). Investigating EFL Learners' Ability to Analyse Poetic Language: A Pedagogical Corpus Stylistic Approach. Theory and Practise in Language Studies, 12(5), 866-875. 52. Ganapathy, M., Salasiah Che Lah & Phan, J. Creativity via a Genre Pedagogy to Promote EFL Indigenous Students' Writing (2022). 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature@ The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 28(1), 28-43. 53. Saravanan P. Veeramuthu, Ganapathy, M., Mohamad Luthfi Abdul Rahman, Jelani Harun & Ramganesh E. (2022). MALAY LITERATURE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF ONLINE LEARNING EXPERIENCES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AT A PUBLIC UNIVERSITY. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 7(2), 44-60. 54. Belazi, N. A. & Ganapathy, M. (2023). Teachers' and Students' Perceptions Towards the Station Rotation Model: A Case of Libyan EFL Classroom. The Asian Journal of English Language & Pedagogy, 11(1), 22-36. 55. Halemeh, M. & Ganapathy, M. (2023). Producing and Recognising Speech Act of Promising in Saudi Arabia: A Case Study ay Jouf University. eBangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 20(1), 142-154. 56. Jiao, C., Ganapathy, M., & Chang, H. (2023). A Comparative Study of Language Learning Strategies USe Between High and Low EFL College Achievers. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(2), 655-669. 57. P. Veeramuthu, S., Isa, A., Abdul Rahman, M. L., Ganapathy, M., Hamzah, N., & M.A.R Annamalai, M. D. (2023). Pemerkasaan Komuniti sebagai Elemen Kepemimpinan Orang Semai dalam Novel Ludaad: Community Empowerment as an Element of Orang Semai Leadership in the Ludaad Novel. Journal of Malay Language, Education and Literature, 14(1), 52–64. 58. Men Dongmei & Ganapathy, M. (2023). Investigating Expectancy Norms of English-Chinese Trnaslation of Children's Literature in China. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature@ The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 29(2), 85-100. 59. Hongjing Chang, Ganapathy, M., Mohamed Abdou Moindjie & Jiao Chen (2023). “Hard” Translation and Communication Effects and the Influencing Elements of English Translations of Li Bai’s Poems in America. English Language and Literature Studies, 13(3), 1-12. 60. Kahlid Sh. Sharhan, Mohammed Dh. Oleiwi Al-Tameemi, Ganapathy, M. (2023). Love as a Social Value in Selected Modern English Poems: A Study of the Theme and Language. Language, Discourse & Society, 11(2), 77-87. 61. Lifang Liu, Ganapathy, M. (2023). Narrowing the Gender Gap in Literature Circle to Promote EFL Senior High School Students’ Reading Engagement. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(4), 1080-1095. 62. Yetao Yuan, Ganapathy, M. & Mohamed Abdou Moindjie (2024). The Rhetorical Communication of Identification Theory in the Translation of Chinese News into English. International Journal of English Linguistics, 14(1), 1-13. 63. Mansour Amini , Masoumeh Alavi, Saber Alavi, Jainisha Sadacharam, Malini Ganapathy, Maryam Alipour & Davoud Amini (2024). A Review on the Role of Moral Emotions in EFL Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 14(3), 569-581. 64. Zhao Xin, Ganapathy, M. & Alla Khan (2024). Evaluation of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education in Chinese Higher Education: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 14(3), 2602-2620. 65. Yetao Yuan, Ganapathy, M. & Mohamed Abdou Moindjie (2024). Translation Studies on Xi Jinping: The Governance of China—A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of English Linguistics, 14(2), 82-92. 66. Malek Alouch & Ganapathy, M. (2024), Saudi EFL Private Institute Students’ Perceptions of the Effects of Written Corrective Feedback on EFL Writing Progression. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(5), 1536-1552. 67. Chen Yanling, Ganapathy, M. & Wang Yi (2024), Empirical Study on the Ecological Effects of Online Teaching in College English. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 980-990. 68. Aqhari Isa, Saravanan Veeramuthu, Mohamad Luthfi Abdul Rahman, Ganapathy M. & Nordiana Hamzah (2024), The Leadership Behaviour of the Semai Community in the Ludaad’s Novel.Akademika, 94(1), 80-93. 69. Huan Hea, Mansour Amini, Ganapathy M. and Salasiah Che Lah (2024), The application of Juliane House’s translation quality assessment model in the English translation of Yu Hua’s ‘Yanre de xiatian’. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 94(1), 80-93. 70. Khaleel Abdulrahman Sulaiman Khaleel and Malini Ganapathy (2024), Contributions of August Wilson's to Anti-Racism as an African American Playwright: A Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(4), 34-42. 71. Khaleel Abdulrahman Sulaiman Khaleel and Malini Ganapathy (2024), Intersecting Inequalities and Energy Justice: A Literature Review International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 3738-3744. 72. Renyuan, Z., & Ganapathy, M. (2024). The Mediating Effect of Students’ Self-Efficacy on the Relationship between Film Teaching and English-Speaking Proficiency. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 3397–3405. 73. Xia, Z., Mahfoodh, O. H. A., & Ganapathy, M. (2024). The impact of monologic and dialogic sequences on incidental vocabulary learning among Chinese vocational high school EFL learners. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 45, 39-56. 74. Shaidatul Akma ADI KASUMA, GANAPATHY, M. Debbita Ai Lin TAN & Mohamad Saifudin MOHAMAD SALEH (2024). EFFECT OF SHORT ENGLISH WRITING ACTIVITY ON FACEBOOK ON SCIENCE AND NON-SCIENCE STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE. Issues in Language Studies, 13(2), 34-52. 75. Chen, M., Ganapathy, M., & Che Lah, S. (2024). From Extraordinary to Ordinary: Heroic Images in British and Chinese 18th-century Supernatural Fiction. Sage Open, 14(4). 76. Fei, X., Mahfoodh, O. H. A., & Ganapathy, M. N. G. (2024). Bibliometric evaluation of publications on second language vocabulary acquisition (2000-2024). Language Teaching. Research Quarterly, 45, 176-192. 77. Niu, B., & Ganapathy, M. (2025). Revisiting the Assessment of Metaphor Learning Performance through English Language Learners’ English Writings: A Systematic Review. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 15, 1-21. 78. Muhammad Nawaz., Ganapathy, M., Manzoor Sadaf., Tess Ezzy., & Shahzad Farooqi. (2025) A systematic review of mobile assisted vocabulary learning and teaching in esl/efl context. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 22(1), 40-58. 79. Manal H. Al-Khazzaaleh, Mohamed Abdou Moindjie & Ganapathy, M. (2025). The Translatability of Culture-Specific Items in the Novel Season of Martyrdom. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 16(2), 406-414.
Chapter in a Book 1. Kaur, S. and Ganapathy, M. (2013). Multiliteracies in Education: Concept and Focus. In Kaur, S. and Shakila Abdul Mannan (eds.). Contemporary Perspectives in ELS: Linguistics and Literature. (pp. 152-168). Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press. ISBN: 978-983-861-599-0. [TIER 1] 2. Ganapathy, M. and Kaur, S. (2012). The Multiliteracies Approach: Negotiating Literacies in ESL Teaching and Learning. In Shakila Abdul Manan and Hajar Abdul Rahim (eds.). Linguistics, Literature and Culture: Millennium Realities and Innovative Practices in Asia (pp. 365-393). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP). ISBN (13): 978-l-4438-405-6. 3. Kaur, S. and Ganapathy, M. (2011). Innovative Ideas to Promote Creative Literacy Practices. In Pandian, P., Chow, V. F. and Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed Ismail (eds.). Curriculum Development, Materials Design and Methodologies, Trends and Issues (pp. 1-18). ISBN: 978-983-861-493-1. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press. [TIER 1] 4. Kaur, S. and Ganapathy, M. (2008). Multimodality of Learning in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges. In Zailan Moris, Hajar Abdul Rahim and Shakila Abdul Manan (eds.). Higher education in the Asia Pacific. Emerging trends in Teaching and Learning, (pp. 34-50). ISBN: 978-983-3986-13-2. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press. [TIER 1] 5. Manjet Kaur Mehar Singh, Ganapathy, M. and Tan, D.A.L. (2019). Kahoot!: Enhancing Creativity in Classroom Learning in Munir Shuib, Crossling, G.M. & Mohd Zainul Fithri Othman (eds). Creativity in Education and Humanities, (pp. 40-57). ISBN: 978-967-461-400-3. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press. [TIER 1] 6. Ganapathy, M. and Kaur, S. (2019). The Effects of the Multiliteracies Approach on ESL Students' Writing Performance. In Salasiah Che Lah (ed). Research Mosaics on Language Studies in Asia, pp. 370-388. ISBN: 978-967-461-400-3. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press. 7. Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma, Malini Ganapathy, Tan, D.A.L., & Lee, B.C. (2020). Using Facebook as a Social Media Tool to Develop Tertiary Students’ English Writing Skills through Written Corrective Feedback (WCF). In ICT use in ELT: Some Examples from South East Asia, pp. 176-195. Penang, Malaysia: USM Press. [TIER 1] 8. Ganapathy, M., Raja Mazuin Raja Abdul Aziz and Thirummurthy Maruthai (2020). The 21st Century Pedagogical Practices of Malaysian English Language Teachers. In Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan and Jo-Ann Netto-Shek (eds). 21st Century and English Language Education,. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press. [TIER 1] 9. Ganapathy, M.Noriah Talib, Aslam Khan and Rekha Jayantilal (2020). Teacher Educator’s Knowledge, Understanding and Practices of 21stcentury Pedagogies. In Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan and Jo-Ann Netto-Shek (eds). 21st Century and English Language Education. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia Press. (In Press). [TIER 1] 10. Ganapathy, M., Aziz, R. M. R. A., Maruthai, T., & Kabilan, M. K. (2021). The 21st Century Pedagogical Practices of Malaysian of English Language Teachers. In Kabilan, M. K., Aziz, R. M. R. A., & Netto-Shek, J. (Eds.), Teaching and Learning of English in the 21st Century : Perspectives and Practices from South East Asia (pp. 16-29). Malaysia: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. 11. Ganapathy, M., Talib, N., Khan, A., & Jayantilal, R. (2021). Teacher Educator’s Knowledge and Practices of the 21st Century Pedagogies. In Kabilan, M. K., Aziz, R. M. R. A., & Netto-Shek, J. (Eds.), Teaching and Learning of English in the 21st Century : Perspectives and Practices from South East Asia (pp. 30-42). Malaysia: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. 12. Saravanan P. Veeramuth & Ganapathy, M. (2021). Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu Sebagai Bahasa Antarabangsa. Fenomena dan Isu. Editor, Norsofiah Abu Bakar Mohd Khaidir Abdul Wahab, Penggunaan Manga dalam Pengajaran Prosa Traditional KOMSAS, (pp.65-86). Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia Berhad. Book 1. Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi, Foo, T. C. V., Ganapathy, M. and Kaur, M. (eds. 2015). Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Learning Conference. Embracing Cultural Diversity through Language Learning. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia. ISBN: 978-983-42006-5-7. [TIER 1] 2. Regin, S. and Ganapathy, M. (eds. 2020). Covid-19 Pandemic Poems Volume III. India: Cape Comorin Publisher. ISBN: 978-93-88761-27-7 USM (Universiti Sains Malaysia) Other Publications 1. Kaur, S. and Ganapathy, M. (2007). Multimodality of Learning in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges. In Munir Shuib and Rozinah Jamaludin (eds.). Bulletin of Higher Education Research. Issues and Challenges in Enhancing the Quality of Private Transnational Higher Education in Malaysia. National Higher Education Research Institute, 9(7), 17-18. 2. Ganapathy, M. and Kaur, S. (2012). “The Effects of the Multiliteracies Approach on ESL Students’ Writing Performance," Proc. Second International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Culture (ICCLIC 2012,), CD-ROM, IEEE CS, 2012, pp. 248-253. 3. Ganapathy, M. (2012). Reframing pedagogical repertoires in ESL writing through the multiliteracies approach, Proc. First International Conference on Mobile Learning, Applications, and Services (mobilcase2012). Available at: 4. Ganapathy, M. (2015). Boosting Malaysian Graduates’ Employability via the New MUET Policy. In Munir Shuib (ed). Bulletin of Higher Education Research. National Higher Education Research Institute, 4(1), 18-19. 5. Ganapathy, M. (2016). Transformation of Malaysia’s Higher Education System: Malaysia Education Blueprint (2015-2025). In Kabilan, M. K. (ed). Bulletin of Higher Education Research. National Higher Education Research Institute, 5(1), 10-11. 6. Munir Shuib, Ganapathy,M., Kaur, S. & Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan Abdullah (2017). Postponement of SPM English as a Compulsory Pass Subject Policy: a Correct Decision?In Kabilan, M. K. (ed). Bulletin of Higher Education Research. National Higher Education Research Institute, 6(1), pp. 6-9. 7. Manjet Kaur & Ganapathy, M. (2017). Strategies to Overcome the Challenges Faced by International Students in Higher Education. In Kabilan, M. K. (ed). Bulletin of Higher Education Research. National Higher Education Research Institute, 6(1), pp. 6-9. Graduate Supervision KHATATBEH MOHANAD ADNAN MOHAMMAD, Ph.D., The Amount And Type Of Talk That Jordanian Teachers Of English Do In Their Classrooms And Its Effect On Some Linguistics Aspects. (Co-Supervisor) HALEMEH NAIM MUSTAFA BUNY ABDO, Ph.D., A Contrastive Study: The speech act of promising in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.(Main Supervisor) NAJAH ABDUALLAH SALEM ALBELAZI, Ph.D., A Case Study of Grammar Learning Strategies Employed by English Foreign Language Learners in Libya. (Main Supervisor) JAYNE LIM JIAING, Ph.D., Analysing Critical Thinking Through Argumentative Writing Among Students At A Private University College. (Main Supervisor) JONATHAN PHAN KAR JUN, MA., The Effect of Genre Approach on Secondary EFL Orang Asli Students' Descriptive Writing in a Selected School in Pahang. (Main Supervisor) VIGNESWARY ACHUTHAN, Ph.D., The Perspectives and Effectiveness of Blended Learning in ESL Writing. (Main Supervisor) BEH MIN ER, MA., The Effectiveness of Using Blended Learning to Improve Primary Learners' English Literacy. (Main Supervisor) AHMAD YAR KHAN, Ph.D., Translation Strategies in the Crooked Line, Weary Generations and Umrao Jan Ada: A Stylistic Analysis. (Co-Supervisor) WARA MD KAIFUL, MA., English Language in Education Policy in Bangladesh in Secondary Schools: Policy Adoption and Implementation. (Main Supervisor) MOHAMMAD DHAHIR OLEIWI AL TAMEEMI, Ph.D., Themes of oblivion in D.H. Lawrence's Last Poems which depict death. (Main Supervisor) AL HADAD EMAN ADIL JAAFAR, Ph.D., Investigating the Use of Pedagogical Corpus Stylistic Approach to Improve EFL Iraqi Learners' Poetic Language Analysis based on Textual Linguistic Evidence. (Main Supervisor) MEN DONGMEI, Ph.D., A Study on English Translation of Chinese Contemporary Children's Novels from the Perspective of Narratology. (Main Supervisor) GAN FEI, Ph.D., Critical Research on the Translations of English Novels by Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov. (Co-Supervisor) MALEK ALOUCH, Ph.D., An Investigation of Using Black Board to Improve Students' Online Writing Assignments at the ELI, King Abdulaziz University. (Main Supervisor) ALSHEYAB NANCY MUSTAFA MAHMOUD, Ph.D., Literature: Investigating the Sterio-Typical Image of Woman in the British Society as Illustrated in Jane Austin's Fiction. (Main Supervisor) HAN YANLI, Ph.D., Research on Narrative Features in William Somerset Maugham's Novels. (Main Supervisor) Graduated Students JUNE CHIANG KAI SING, Ph.D., A Stylistic Approach To Language Learner Literature. LIEW WAI KIT, MA, Tertiary Students’ Learning Practices Using Information And Communication Technology To Promote Higher-order Thinking Skills. MALEK ALOUCH, MA, Using WhatsApp in Teaching English as a foreign language at the ELI, King AbdulAziz University. MAHTA KHAKSARI, Ph.D., Reclaiming Mythology of the Odyssey in Young Adult Literature : A Study of Narrative Structure in Rick Riordans's Percy Jackson and the Sea Of Monsters. Undergraduate Teaching Industrial Training Orientation Programme, LEM 200 Industrial Training, LEM 300 The Study of English Grammar, LET 104 The Study of English Literature, LET 105 English for Administration, LEM 311 Introduction to Linguistics and Linguistic Meaning, LET 103 Awards Excellent Service Award, 2010. Ministry of Education Excellent Service Award, 2017. Universiti Sains Malaysia Consultancy Consultancy with Monetary Reward (University). English for Workplace Communication. BBraun. 17/3/2015 - 22/5/2015. Consultancy with Monetary Reward (University). Program Usahasama Akademik: Penyelia Kursus LHP 457. 6/10/2015 - 31/1/2016. Consultancy with Monetary Reward (University). Basic Communicative Daily/Workplace English Intensive Course. UMT Ubonratchathani, Thailand. 18/03/2016-20/03/2016. Consultancy with Monetary Reward (University). Basic English Proficiency Course. University of Haadyai. 8/8/2016 - 19/8/2016. Consultancy with Monetary Reward (University). Institute of Pharmaseutical and Nutraseutical Malaysia. Manuscript Writing. 8/11/2016 - 22/11/2016. Consultancy Without Monetary Rewards (with appointment letter / consultation report). Nurturing Future Academic Leaders for Malaysia. Akademik Kepimpinan Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi. 21/4/2016 - 31/5/2017. Consultancy with Monetary Reward (University). English for Academic and Non Academic Purposes. Silpakorn University. 8/1/2018- 19/1/2018. Consultancy with Monetary Reward (University). Academic Writing. Ningxia Normal University 17/9/19-23/9/2019. Invited Speaker Engaging Students Using the Multiliteracies Approach. 23 July 2015. Penang English Language Teacher’s Seminar (PELTS 2015). Dewan Kuliah A, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Insights to Literacy Savvy Strategies. 13 October 2015. Student Development Workshop, Centre of Development of Academic Excellence, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Academic Writing I. Nurturing Future Academic Leaders for Malaysia. 29 June 2016.AKEPT Young Scholars Programme. Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan. Academic Writing II. Nurturing Future Academic Leaders for Malaysia. 16 January 2017. AKEPT Young Scholars Programme. Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan. Keynote Speaker Plagiarism in the Malaysian Context: Lecturers' Perspectives. 5 April, 2017. National Conference on the Sciences and Social Sciences 2017 (NACOSS II). Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. 21st Century Literacies. 1 November, 2017. International Conference on Social Sciences And Humanities. ICOSAH 2017. Open Universiti Malaysia, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Promoting HOTS via Teaching Practices. 31 October, 2018. International Conference on Social Sciences And Humanities. ICOSAH 2018. Open Universiti Malaysia, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The Impact of Climate Fiction in today’s 4th Industrial Revolution. 21 February, 2019. International Conference on Island Literature and Environmental Humanities, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India. External Examiner M.V. Ramana Moorthy. 24/11/2016. Signature Contributions In The Evolution Of The Short Story (A Study of selected short stories of Turgenev, Maupassant, Chekov and Narayan). KLUniversity, Andhra Pradesh, India. K. Pavan Kumar. 13/06/2017. Complications in Acquiring Communication Skills: A Case Study. KLUniversity, Andhra Pradesh, India. Paramesha Naik Banavath. 28/08/2017. A Comparative Study of the Conventional Lesson Teaching and the Digital Lesson Teaching of English Poetry to the High School Students of Ananthapuram District in Andhra Pradesh.Acarhya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India. Neerukonda Viswasa Rao. 23/01/2018.Unfurling the Critical Explorations and The Techniques of Vikram Chandra's Fiction. Acarhya Nagarjuna University,Andhra Pradesh, India. Vutla Venkata Subba Rao. 26/01/2018. Translating Poetic Sensibility: A Study on Selected Anthologies of Translations by Damodar Rao K And Syamala Kallury. KLUniversity, Andhra Pradesh, India. Shakila Bhanu Sk. 13/05/2018. Cultural and Historical Transfiguration of India up to Partition in Selected Works of Qurratulain Hyder. Acarhya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India. Priyadharsini. 10/10/2018. Agony of Women in the Selected Novels of Anita Desai : A Feministic Study. Bharathiar University, India. A. Arokya Vajitha. 9/10/2018. Gender Based Psychological Anguish in the Selected Contemporary Indian Novelists. Bharathiar University, India. Vinod Bakka. 19/11/2018. Spoken Corpora: New Pedagogical Insights into Spoken Grammar and Relational Language. Acharya Nagarjuna University, India C. Manimekalai. 19/12/2018. An Analysis of Narrative and Ethical Elements in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series. Bharathiar University, India. Rajitha Thakur. 12/02/2019. Portrayal of Dystopian Society in Select Works of Ray Bradbury, KLEF University, Andhra Pradesh, India. Borugadda Mary Stella Rani. 18/07/2019. Thematic Exploration In The Select Novels Of Buchi Emecheta, Acharya Nagarjuna University, India. Mukku Sailaja. 08/08/2019. Amelioration Of Women Identity In The Select Novels Of Carol Ann Shields, Acharya Nagarjuna University, India. Sowmiya A. 25/07/2019. Social Realism in the Novels of Jane Austen, Alagappa University, India. Reshma, 15/11/2019. Transition in Ecofeminist Approach to Indian Fiction Writing by Women Novelists: A Study with Reference to Selected Authors between 1950 and 2010. Bharathiar University, India. Saw Eng Lan, 26/12/2019. Causes and Effects of Childhood Behavioural Problem and Their Impact on Early Childhood Development. Wawasan Open University Malaysia, Malaysia. Jonathan Zhen Qiang Seet, 26/12/2019. An Exploratory Study on Students’ Perception on the Van Hiele Model of Geometric Thought And The Factors Of It’s Efficacy. Wawasan Open University Malaysia, Malaysia. Yeo Khee Choon, 26/12/2019. A Study on Self- Reflection as a Form of Professional Development in the Primary ESL Classroom. Wawasan Open University Malaysia, Malaysia. R. Mangaleswari, 13/12/2019. Home Lost and Regained: A Study of Jhumpa Lahiri's Works. Alagappa Unibersity, India. Mohammad Bhasha Shaik, 3/01/2020. A Selective Study of Nayantara Sahgal- An Identity Perspective. Acharya, Nagarjuna University, India. Editorial Board Journal of Teaching & Learning English in Multicultural Contexts Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction International Journal of Language, Literacy and Translation Professional Membership International Economics Development Research Centre (IEDRC). Senior Member Malaysia Research Development Organization (MRDO). Committee Global Higher Education Network (GHEN). Exco International Literacy Association (ILA) Specialised Literacy Professionals(SLP) Lavendar Literary Club (LLC) Teaching & Education Research Association (TERA)PROFILE